Collect the Neriak cell report in Neriak at ( -109, 22, -12 ) Copy/waypoint -109, 22, -12 in Indigo Hollow behind Ulsurus Outfitters. Kill the Ebon Mask attacker that spawns.
Note: Good aligned might want to use a Guild Rally banner here, or have an evil call them, as Neriak guards see invis below level 90.
The stationary guards will not see invis
at L125, and using Stealth, the L130 Epic x4 ^^^ guards can not see through Stealth.
Collect the Gorowyn cell report in Gorowyn at ( 2594, 87, 1333 ) Copy/waypoint 2594, 87, 1333. Kill the Ebon Mask attacker that spawns.
Collect the Freeport cell report in South Freeport at ( -186, -30, 279 ) Copy/waypoint -186, -30, 279 behind the 10 Freedom Road house. Kill the Ebon Mask attacker that spawns.
Return to the Halls of the Unseen and bring these reports to Nyran at ( 25, 3, 49 ) Copy/waypoint 25, 3, 49