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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Thalumbra, the Ever Deep more
How to Start Speak to Brytthel548, 125, 442 ) Copy
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Stranger in Distress
Followed by:
Scanning the Seals

What does this information mean?

After I bandaged Brytthel, she promised to tell me more of what's going on, but first asked me to bring news of her injury in the mines to someone called Brumley Langboom in the city. She gave me her signet ring so the guards will know I can be trusted, and told me to meet her in the city later if I want to know more.


  1. Enter Maldura at ( 262, 151, 482 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI) and speak to Brumley Langboom at ( -81, 13, 196 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  2. Return to the entrance of the Glittervein Depths (Outer Maldura/Thalumbra) Exit Maldura and release the scanning device at ( 523, 131, 432 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI Its a sparkly area on the ground in front of the cave entrance.
  3. Return to Brumley.

