EverQuest 2 Wiki
Mavla Zulexz

Mavla Zulexz

other resources
EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Furniture
Race Erudite
Zone Cobalt Scar (LU66)
Location close to the north gate of Scarstone4323, -821, 423 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI


Item Price
a Combine Commander's Gravestone 18g
a Combine Gravestone 18g
a Simple Combine Gravestone 18g
a Veteran Combine Gravestone 18g
Crustid Brain Coral 18g
Diseased Brain Coral 18g
Exploration Map Table of Withered Lands 18g
New Combine Freeport Standing Banner 18g
New Combine Gorowyn Standing Banner 18g
New Combine Kelethin Standing Banner 18g
New Combine Neriak Standing Banner 18g
New Combine New Halas Standing Banner 18g
New Combine Qeynos Standing Banner 18g
Scarstone Barrel 18g
Scarstone Crate 18g
Scarstone Defense 18g
Tubular Coral Pod 18g


Having/completing The Lost Othmir enables access to this furniture merchant
