EverQuest 2 Wiki
In-Game Examine Window
Malisha's Soul Trapper

Malisha's Soul Trapper

Eyeball Jar (Soul Trapper)

Malisha's Soul Trapper (Visible)

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Quest Item
Malisha's Soul Trapper
Item 2341
What appears to be a simple jar is actually a device used to capture souls within Ethernere.
Place Malisha's soul trapper
Required by the Quest
'Bandit Busters'
Charges Unlimited
Casting 2 seconds
Recast 2 seconds
  • Applies Place Malisha's soul trapper when Activated.
Obtain: Received during or used in the quest 'Bandit Busters' by picking up the jar standing on top of a bookcase near Malisha

\aITEM 1445355855 -1170214802:Malisha's Soul Trapper\/a \aITEM 1445355855 -1170214802:Malisha's Soul Trapper\/a
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Daybreak Games
