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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature  (AA)
Introduced Echoes of Faydwer
Journal Level 64 (Tier 7)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Greater Faydark more
How to Start Speak to Rooleean Felodaan-443, 124, 496 ) Copy
part of: The Ivy Shrouded Timeline
Preceded by:
Corruption in the Faydark
Followed by:
Acquiring the Second Fragment

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak with An'dil Siriion at the Butcherblock Docks in Butcherblock Mountains. ( 755, 26, 589 ) Copy
  2. An'dil will ask for 50g for his cooperation. You can either pay him the 50g or threaten him.
    • If you pick the latter he will aggro as a solo 65^. You must strike the final blow. If your pet or mercenary does, the quest will not update.
  3. Go to The Acadechism, located above Crushbone Keep in Greater Faydark at ( -1277, 167, 0 ) Copy, and kill a Crushbone quartermaster. ( -63, 4, 30 ) Copy or ( -91, 4, 36 ) Copy
    • Take the doorway to the right after zoning in. Go up the stairs to the next room and proceed through the door on the left of the room. Go down the hallway into the next room where the Crushbone quartermaster will autospawn.
    • The next quest, Acquiring the Second Fragment, requires you to re-enter the Acadechism and kill Nirothil V'Sek. So avoid doing so while you're only after the quartermaster or you will have to wait for a reset.
  4. Take the list back to An'dil on the Butcherblock docks.


  • Experience