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EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Merchant
Race [race needed]
Zone Sanctus Seru (Blood of Luclin)
Location -354, 90, 62 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI

This merchant is also present in Recuso Tor within The Blinding.

Beside the Epic 2.0 spells, all other items are paid with Mark of Twilight, status and platinum.

Goods For Sale[]

Class Spells[]

These spells are purchased for 1,800p 72c 750,000 status + 375 Mark of Twilight each. Only spells applicable to your class are visible. Both the Apprentice and Journeyman versions of the spells may be purchased.

Epic 2.0 Spells[]

These spells (originally available from the Epic Weapons 2.0 questlines) can be purchased for 0c. Only spells applicable to your class are visible. Only the Apprentice version of the spell is available.


102p 4c 85,000 status + 43 Mark of Twilight

210p 8c 175,000 status + 43 Mark of Twilight

534p 21c 445,000 status + 111 Mark of Twilight


120p 5c 50,000 status + 25 Mark of Twilight


750p 1,000,000 status


15p 1,000 status + 1 Mark of Twilight

Related Quests[]
