EverQuest II has an in game Macro system which allows you combine several commands.
possible with macro[]
- Use Commands from Slash Commands
- Equip Gear
- cast spells and define 1 spell that shall be cast first
- Display the reuse of 1 spell, by dragging the spell into the icon slot
- say something in a channel (say, gsay, guild, tellchannel)
- When you macro something to a channel, it's better to use the "tellchannel mychannel" than just the channelnumber.
- You may or may have not seen misstells of raid parses in normal channels ;), most likly they used a channelnumber and not the channelname
Not possible with macro[]
- it is NOT possible to run another macro from within a macro.
- it is NOT possible to add a pause into a macro
- it is NOT possible to make a macro repeat itself automatically
Usefull macro's[]
Alcohol Tolerance[]
- Raise your Alcohol Tolerance quickly by drinking lot of Dwarven Ale (Alcoholic)
- Buy 300 Dwarven Ale (Alcoholic)
- Make 10 lines with "use item" and drag the Dwarven Ale (Alcoholic) into each line
- Use the macro 30 times you drink the 300 Dwarven Ale (Alcoholic)
- In case you ain't hit the cap buy more and use the macro.
- Note: Losing a duel gets you sober right away
Chain cast 2 Spells/Abilties[]
- make 2 lines with use "Spell/Ability"
- Place a Spell or Combat Art into each line and flag one as "Primary"
- The "Primary" Spell/Ability" will start casting and the other one will be "queued"
Advanced Combat Tracker[]
- The Advanced Combat Tracker (shot ACT) its basically setup to parse fights and export the results to "act-export.txt"
- The advantage of the macro is that you can show the whole parse and not only the first 255chars when you paste it.
- make a macro with the command "/do_file_commands act-export.txt"
- You change the name of the file "act-export.txt" in ACT, for example to "actdps.txt".
- You can export various kinds of export at once, for example
- a heal parse as "act-hps.txt"
- a dps parse as "act-dps.txt"
- a power feed parse as "act-powerfeed.txt"
- Sugguestion make 1 marco for each parse
- make a macro with the command "/assist <name of toon>"
Balanced Synergy[]
- make a macro with
- the command "/gsay Casting Synergy"
- the "use Spell/Ability" Balanced Synergy