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EverQuest 2 Wiki
Race erudite

Race: Erudite - to upload a more specific image, click JPG or PNG

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Palace of Roehn Theer (Sentinel's Fate)
Race Erudite
Level 98▲▲▲ Tier 10 Epic x4
Location [information needed]
Reported Drops
Special Attacks

Dooming Mist (45 sec)

AA Exp yes
Status Points 18225

What does this information mean?


  • At the beginning of the fight, several fallen dead spawn and attack. They drop Necrotic Flashpots that must be farmed for the fight against The Three Sages.
  • At 90%, Maalus will emote that he is beginning a ritual. Right click him and prevent. Failure to prevent causes him to become Maalus Imbued.
  • Maalus has many curses, but only one needs to be cured. Curse of Devastation is a health and power drain that, if a cursed character dies, will spread to other raid members near him.
Curse of Devastation

Curse of Devastation
