What does this information mean?
Moonstone gem
- Speak to Venox Tarkog at ( 219, 80, -47 ) Copy/waypoint 219, 80, -47.
- Gather 7 moonstones in the Harrowing Horde valley ( 96, 41, -48 ) Copy/waypoint 96, 41, -48. They are white gemstones with a blue sparkle.
- Each time you gather one you will be attacked by a member of the Horde.
- Return to Venox who will then craft an Ethernere Moonstone Necklace to give to Deema.
- Bring back the necklace to Deema in the alcove.
- The quest will auto-complete when she puts on the necklace.
EQ2i credits EQ2 ZAM for some of the info in this article.