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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Level Range 100
Zone in from Kunzar Jungle
Entrance is at

at ( -258, 151, -1166 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Solo
Persistence 1h30min - 3days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


Zone is straightforward, mostly tank and spank, until Ongnissim the Unseen who has a massive AoE when he emotes about a "massive crashing fist" (in Narrative channel) when you should joust him.

  • If you fall in the pond, there is a metal gate which is clickable and will take you back to the top.
  • There are two timed quests in the zone. One is begun by clicking a flower in the far eastern end of the maze (at dead end). The second is by killing any skeleton in the zone.
    • Hint: Once you kill a skeleton, the timer begins, and so it's best to leave them for later. Kill the first 3 nameds: (Wraith of Jaxion (Solo), Merchant Caniz (Solo), and The Torsis Champion (Solo)), this unlocks the back door into the final area. Ongnissim the Unseen is not active until after The Algae Fiend (Solo) is killed, so you can clear the area first.
    • If you can one shot Ongnissim the Unseen (Solo), then avoid all the skeletons as best you can, and kill the slime cube without killing any skeletons, then swim to the grate at the back of the pool. Clicking it will bring you up top, out of range of the skeletons. Kill Ongnissim and THEN go back and do the timed quests in peace.