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Lore and Legend Goblin

Lore & Legend: Goblin

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Lore & Legend Quest Information

Recommended Level 25 (Tier 3)
Zone See Special Notes, below
Book Location See Special Notes, below
Book Title Life Among the Goblins (Version 2)

This quest is part of the Lore and Legend Timeline

Starting the Quest

Most Lore and Legend Quests can be started either with a book or by examining one of the quest items. Find the book, Life Among the Goblins (Version 2), using the location information above. Next, read the book, Life Among the Goblins (Version 2), flip through all the pages, and accept the quest. Once you have accepted the quest you may place the book in your house. You do not need the book to progress the quest.



Special Notes

This book can be found in the following locations:

  • In Enchanted Lands, in a dresser at ( 283, 6, -245 ) Copy - you may need to mouse over the lower half of the dresser for it to highlight.
  • In The Nursery of Greater Faydark, inside the bank on a bookshelf in the back at ( -120, -46, -815 ) Copy.
  • In Runnyeye Citadel, in a chest at ( 99, -16, -110 ) Copy

Note that the quest level shown in your journal will scale with your character level, up to level 50.
