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EverQuest 2 Wiki
Lord Ree

Lord Ree

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Wailing Caves (Shattered Lands)
Race Orc
Level 18▲▲▲ Tier 2 Heroic
Location At the far back southeast corner of the caves ( -280, -49, -86 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Reported Drops
Association: Ree Orcs
Related Quests

A Crusade to Faydwer

AA Exp yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?



  • Lord Ree is part of a ring event. He will initially appear as an NPC. Talk to him, and say you want to fight.
    1. Immediately, 4 blackguards (lvl 18 heroic) spawn.
    2. As you are fighting them, Ghi'Zard the Worg Master and four bloodthirsty worgs will walk into the room. After a conversation with Ree, they will attack, even if you haven't killed the blackguards yet.
    3. Once Ghi'Zard and the worgs and blackguards are dead, Lord Ree and his four concubines attack. Take out the concubines first, as they're healers.
  • References to needing a key to access Lord Ree's chambers seem to be obsolete. If Ree is up, his door is unlocked. His respawn seems to be no more than a couple hours real time.