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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Quest Item
Live Capture Net
Item 2251
This net can be used to capture small to medium creatures without causing harm to them.
Cast Net
Required by the Quest
'Mischief Managed: Duty and the Beast'
Charges (3/3)
Casting 2 seconds
Recast 2 seconds
Level 1 (Tier 1)
  • Applies Cast Net when Activated.
    • This net can be used to capture small to medium creatures without causing harm to them.
Obtain: Artisan-crafted using a level 110 recipe from Recipe Scroll: Live Capture Net.

\aITEM -1341401902 580799237:Live Capture Net\/a \aITEM -1341401902 580799237:Live Capture Net\/a
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