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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Jarsath Wastes  (AA)
Introduced Rise of Kunark
Journal Level 84 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Jarsath Wastes more
How to Start Speak with Yothe K'lohgk on a rock near the shore. ( 630, -48, 1275 ) Copy
part of: Jarsath Wastes Timeline
Preceded by:
Neutral Zealotry
Followed by:

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  1. Enter Chelsith and defeat the following named monsters:
    • Leviathor'Consuma192, -1, 216 ) Copy
      • This mob spawns after using a Large bluefin, caught from a 'school of bluefins', while standing close to the pool in The Feeding Chamber. The bluefins can be found at ( 230, -2, 155 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
    • Leviathor'Glamar102, 1, -255 ) Copy
    • Leviathor'Tentar-207, 0, 216 ) Copy
  2. Defeat Majora Leviathora. ( -340, 30, -60 ) Copy
  3. Return to Yothe K'lohgk.


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