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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The Sundered Frontier  (AA)
Introduced Sentinel's Fate
Journal Level 82 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Sundered Frontier more
How to Start Speak with your home city representative at Wizard Spires near ( 2200, -205, 2432 ) Copy
part of: The Sundered Frontier Timeline
Preceded by:
Scouting the Possibilities
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  • You must have at least 20k faction with City of Paineel AND have completed all four research quest lines (from Ishaq Al'Nair, Zafirah Aamira, Researcher Ma'jok and Nudhir Il'qatai) before Saihah will talk to you.
  • If you cannot talk to him make sure you have completed all four quest lines. A commonly missed quest is Scribblings on the Wall
  • If you have a Mark of Manaar in your shared bank (from another toon) you will automatically get your update to this quest, without the need of 20k faction or completing any further quests. You must place the Mark of Manaar in your inventory. Make sure you have the Mark in your inventory BEFORE you ask for the quest; otherwise, delete the quest and ask for it again once you have the Mark.
  • On Feb 12, 2013, I was able to complete this quest with -5K faction with City of Paineel. I did have to remove the Mark of Manaar from the shared bank and place it in my inventory to get the quest update, but it was not in my inventory when I turned in the quest.
  • The Mark of Manaar may be in your currency window, if /finditem doesn't actually find anything.


  1. You must get some sort of token to prove your trust.
  2. Return to the quest starter for your reward.


Deprecated rewards[]
