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Steps [ ]
Search Sand
Collect 10 coins from the beach and water beneath Omen's Call . They look like piles of glowing dirt:
( 94, -109, -331 ) Copy /waypoint 94, -109, -331
( 230, -109, -331 ) Copy /waypoint 230, -109, -331
( 222, -129, -298 ) Copy /waypoint 222, -129, -298
( 178, -126, -232 ) Copy /waypoint 178, -126, -232
( 141, -113, -212 ) Copy /waypoint 141, -113, -212
( 154, -117, -189 ) Copy /waypoint 154, -117, -189
( 169, -212, -148 ) Copy /waypoint 169, -212, -148
( 202, -133, -145 ) Copy /waypoint 202, -133, -145
( 209, -134, -172 ) Copy /waypoint 209, -134, -172
( 156, -130, -330 ) Copy /waypoint 156, -130, -330
( 241, -140, -217 ) Copy /waypoint 241, -140, -217
Return to Tymon Smalltooth at the Bellywhumper Burrows .
Rewards [ ]
At least 8g 11s 18c
Mantle of Thievery
Completing this quest gives +5,000 faction with The Bellywhumpers 09/01/2018 - Received 12G, 70S, 50C, and +5,000 Faction Standing with The Bellywhumpers but did not receive the Mantle of Thievery.