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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced Planes of Prophecy
Journal Level 110 (Tier 12)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Coliseum of Valor more
How to Start Speak to Druzzil Ro at ( -4, 6, 4 ) Copy
part of: Planes of Prophecy Timeline
Preceded by:
Legacy of Power: Hero's Devotion
Followed by:
Legacy of Power: Realm of the Plaguebringer

What does this information mean?


  • You need to be at least a level 105 Adventurer to enter Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous [Solo]
  • The buff Fount of Power should be received upon entering. If you don't have ~125k Potency and ~20+ million hit points it hasn't been applied properly. Cancel and recast from button on hotbar.
  • You may want to pick up the Solo Mission quests for each zone first.
  • If you haven't already you can start the Legend and Lore for Clockwork here.


Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous[]

  1. Use the portal at ( -94, 3, 163 ) Copy to enter Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous [Solo].
    • Avoid the furnaces with visible flames. They'll root you for a short time and throw fire at you.
  2. Defeat the Ancient Clockwork Prototype. Kill the adds first! Wanders near ( -52, 3, 6 ) Copy.
  3. Quest will say Confront Meldrath's spirit.
  4. Defeat an erratic clockwork, then inspect and speak to it.
  5. Follow it.
    • Wait for the Security Sweeper to pass from right to left, then quickly move down the tunnel and turn right into the corridor and away from the Sweeper. If it spots you, you will get ported back to the start of the zone.
    • Take the first right up another tunnel.
  6. Kill the Glitched Cell Keeper at ( 127, 10, -218 ) Copy.
    • This mob pops a red ocatagon that makes the "Glitched Cell Keeper" impervious (Stone Skin), and it gathers power from his stores to repair himself.
      • Watch for the red octagon to pop, and get out of it as soon as you see it. Also, note that the octagon's area gets bigger each time it pops, so try to kill it fast before you run our of room to manoever.
      • If you stand inside the red octagon, he will one-shot kill you with a massive explosion.
      • While the red ocatagon is active/charging Glitched Cell Keeper doesn't take damage.
      • So, kite/joust your way around and keep moving, and keep you eyes peeled for the octagon popping.
  7. Speak to Meldrath the Marvelous (Spirit) in the next room at ( 82, 10, -210 ) Copy.
    Meldrath the Marvelous

    Meldrath the Marvelous

  8. Kill the Gearclaw the Collector at ( -140, 4, -283 ) Copy to receive Muon's Planarwave Actuator.
    • Roughly every 25% the mob slumps forward and becomes immune to any damage. Right-click and select Turn Key.
  9. Click on the grate at ( -169, 5, -279 ) Copy to return to the start of the zone, and then click on the door to return to the Coliseum of Valor.

Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine[]

Note: There appears to have been a bug with this part of the quest where any attempt to "speak" with "Meldrath" (presumably Meldrath the Marvelous (Clockwork), who will be standing near the zone-in on entry) before collecting the three parts will result in you having to re-do the zone from scratch. This MAY no longer be an issue - I spoke to Meldrath before collecting anything in this zone without it causing any problem, although at this point he doesn't say anything other than he's trying to mask my presence from his brother (November 2021).

Warning: (February 2024) While most of this quest will update in the Heroic version of this zone, The Great Gear (see step 12 below) does not spawn, so you will have to run the Solo to complete it.

  1. Use the portal at ( -94, 3, 163 ) Copy to enter Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine [Solo].
  2. Kill Repair Bot 5000 (Solo) at ( 36, 4, -31 ) Copy.
    • The mob has a stiff power drain. Bring power potions and cure arcane pots if you don't have power regen or cures.
  3. Kill the Powered Mechanization (Solo) at ( -1, 4, -116 ) Copy.
  4. Use the door opposite the Powered Mechanization (Solo). ( -43, 4, -110 ) Copy
  5. Collect the Magnetic Ether Compensator at ( -128, 4, -35 ) Copy.
    Magneti Ether Compensator

    Magnetic Ether Compensator

  6. Kill Toa the Shiny (Solo) near ( -214, 4, -186 ) Copy.
    • Accompanying Toa are Keewi the Shiner (Solo) and Brasoh the Polisher (Solo)
    • (not Solo): Periodically during the fight, Toa the Shiny will emote about an electric shock. Stopping all dps for ?? time or take massive damage.
    • (not Solo): Bring Manastone, Overclocked Manastone, and potions as all group members experience massive energy drain during battle.
    • (Note: As a Tank with 158-million HP, I was able to solo all three of these. Once I was out of Power, I kited/jousted to stay out of reach, and kept firing arrows at Tiny & Co. It's worth knowing that Keewi and Brasoh will get down to almost zero health and yet somehow stay alive until after Toa in below half health. I must have shot a good 50-or-so arrows to kill Toa, but I was 2/3 health when he went down, because I was keeping out of his damage range most of the time.)
  7. Go to ( -48, 4, -186 ) Copy to spawn The Junk Beast (Solo) and kill it.
  8. Collect Maelin's Talismanic Whirlgurt at ( -19, 12, -170 ) Copy.
    Maelin's Talismanic Whirlgurt

    Maelin's Talismanic Whirlgurt

    • If it is locked, that means you forgot to pick up the "Magnetic Ether Compensator" in step 5.
  9. Speak to Meldrath the Marvelous (Clockwork) at ( -16, 4, -122 ) Copy.
  10. Approach ( 26, 4, -185 ) Copy to spawn Meldrath the Malignant and listen to his rant.
    Meldrath the Malignant

    Meldrath the Malignant

  11. Kill The Manaetic Behemoth (Solo) when it becomes active.
    • Periodically it will put down red circles and send out missiles to the center of the circles. The missiles do huge damage if they hit and will explode a short time after landing. The safest place to be is underneath the Behemoth!
  12. Walk to ( 24, 21, -277 ) Copy and speak to The Great Gear (spawns as you approach)
    The Great Gear

    The Great Gear.

  13. 4 of the glitching clockworks will become active. Defeat them.
  14. Gather the Gyro-stabilized Sorcerous Generator at ( 43, 3, -192 ) Copy.
    Gyro-stablized Sorcerous Generator

    Gyro-stablized Sorcerous Generator

  15. Return to Meldrath the Marvelous at ( -16, 4, -122 ) Copy to receive Enigmatic Portal Opening Device.
  16. Return to Druzzil Ro in the Coliseum of Valor at ( -4, 6, 4 ) Copy. You will receive adventure experience when you talk to her.

