EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki
Armor Set: Leather Armor of Woe

  • (3) Applies +100 STR
  • (5) Applies +100 STA
  • (6) Applies 3% Potency, 3% Crit Bonus

This armor may be worn only by: Bruiser, Monk

This armor is dropped as follows:

Slot Public Quest Difficulty Cache Type
Head Battle of Storm Gorge Tier 4 (Hard Group/Small Raid) or Tier 5 (Raid) Exquisite Pulsating Cache, or Exquisite Humming Cache
Shoulders Echoes of the Ring War Tier 4 (Hard Group/Small Raid) or Tier 5 (Raid) Exquisite Pulsating Cache, or Exquisite Humming Cache
Chest Battle of Storm Gorge or Echoes of the Ring War Tier 5 (Raid) Ultra Rare A Dominant Chest Piece
Forearms Echoes of the Ring War Tier 4 (Hard Group/Small Raid) or Tier 5 (Raid) Exquisite Pulsating Cache, or Exquisite Humming Cache
Hands Battle of Storm Gorge or Echoes of the Ring War Tier 4 (Hard Group/Small Raid) or Tier 5 (Raid) Exquisite Pulsating Cache, or Exquisite Humming Cache
Legs Battle of Storm Gorge or Echoes of the Ring War Tier 4 (Hard Group/Small Raid) or Tier 5 (Raid) Exquisite Pulsating Cache, or Exquisite Humming Cache
Feet Battle of Storm Gorge Tier 4 (Hard Group/Small Raid) or Tier 5 (Raid) Exquisite Pulsating Cache, or Exquisite Humming Cache