EverQuest 2 Wiki
Lavin of the Dawn

Lavin of the Dawn

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) New Tunaria (Echoes of Faydwer)
Race Renda'Dal
Level 67▲▲▲ Tier 7 Heroic
Location Upper level of Thex Castle, in front of the door to Throne of New Tunaria ( -92, 95, -239 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Reported Drops
AA Exp yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?


  • Spawning Lavin of the Dawn requires a timely ring event. To make explaining the event easier, everything involved in the ring is a group of four royal guards, one level 65^^^ three level 65^^, unless specifically noted otherwise.
    • First clear the 3 groups of guards from around the fountain.
    • Guards will repop around the fountain and in front of the stairways. Three groups of guards in close aggro range; bodypull or bring a full group
    • Guards will pop in the grassy areas past the stairways. Again, three groups of guards in close aggro range
    • Three groups of guards will pop by the fountain. One of these groups will be three 65^^^ guards and Alrendi Thoughtsong (namer, 65^^^, worth AA)
    • Groups of guards will pop on the upper level near the throne door, three groups on each side.
    • Once all these are down, Lavin will finally spawn