On a healing spell cast this spell may cast Greater Salubrious Aura on target of spell cast. Lasts for 30.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
When any damage is received this spell will cast Greater Reflexive Restoration on target. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
\aITEM -542045918 -756889332 0 0 0:Lavaworn Breastplate of Chaotic Energy\/a \aITEM -542045918 -756889332 0 0 0:Lavaworn Breastplate of Chaotic Energy\/a What does this information mean?
Reduces reuse time of beneficial spells by 5 percent.
(5) Applies Salubrious Burst of Healing.
When target casts a healing spell this spell has a chance to cast Salubrious Burst of Healing on caster. Lasts for 15.0 seconds. This effect will trigger an average of 2.0 times per minute.
Increases Heal Crit Chance of caster by 16.0%
Increases heal amount of caster by 50.0.
(7) 5 Potency, 100 Ability Mod
EQ2i credits this article at Census for the info in this article. the last update on Census for this item was: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:37:20 +0000