EverQuest 2 Wiki

Proficient language skill is necessary for proper adventuring in Norrath and other planes of reality. Most races have their own unique language, however some races have adopted that of others. This table lists the languages of Everquest II, who speaks them, and how to learn it.

For a strictly alphabetical list of languages, see Category:Languages.

Language Race Obtained
Antonican Humans (Good) PvP only, spoken by inhabitants of Qeynos
Argot Humans (Exile) PvP only, spoken by inhabitants of Haven
Ayr'Dal Half Elves Player language - start with or buy
Cae'Dal Elves in Obulus Frontier Quest Examples of Cae'Dal Script
Chaos Tongue Lamias & Nightbloods Quest Tapping the Torrent
Common Humans (Good & Evil) Regular Servers only, language that all PC's and most NPC's speak
Crone-speak [information needed] Complete the collection Lexicon of Spaek after the quest Heck of a Ghoul Time
Death's Whisper Undead Quest The Whispers of Death
Di'Zokian Sarnak Quest Bones, Bones, Everywhere Bones, started by collection A Mysterious Red Tome
Draconic Dragons Quest To Speak as a Dragon
Druzaic The language of Magical, and some Planar creatues Quest Words of Pure Magic
Dwarven Dwarves Player language - start with or buy
Erudian Erudites Player language - start with or buy
Faerlie Fae Player language - start with or Quest Learning Faerlie
Fayefolk Fay Quest The Patchwork Tapestry (Fae and Arasai characters start with this)
Feir'Dal Wood Elves Player language - start with or buy
Fleshless Tongue Akhevan Complete the collection Akheva Runes
Froak Kunark Frogloks Quest Finicky Frogloks, started by collection A Mysterious Green Tome
Gnollish Gnolls Quest Bark Like a Gnoll, or Quest A Darkened Shard
Gnomish Gnomes Player language - start with or buy
Goblish Goblins Quest Claiming the Goblish Tongue
Gorwish Sarnak Player language - start with or buy
Guktan Frogloks Player language - start with or buy
Gymy Pygmy Quest Handle With Care
Halasian Barbarian Player language - start with or buy
Kerran Kerran Player language - start with or buy
Koada'Dal High Elves Player language - start with or buy or by doing quest Knowledge of the Past at the end of the Peacock Club Timeline for evil characters.
Krombral Giants Quest Words of a Giant
Lucanic Human (Evil) PvP only, spoken by inhabitants of Freeport
Oggish Ogres Player language - start with or buy
Orcish Orcs Quest An Order of Orc Tongue
Ratongan Ratonga Player language - start with or buy
Sathirian Various Kunark NPCs Quest: Feathers for Sethis, started by collection A Mysterious Black Tome
Screechsong Harpies Quest The Scratching of Feathers
Sebilisian Iksar Player language - start with or buy
Serilian Kobolds, Burynai, & Bugbears Quest Language of the Dust
Stout Halflings Player language - start with or buy
Thexian Dark Elves Player language - start with or buy. Also Quests: Symbols of the Damned (good) or Mysterious Artifacts (evil)
Thulian Amygdalan & Lizardmen Quest Fearful Words
Thullosian [information needed] Quest Sufficient Samples of Thullosian
Tik-Tok Clockworks Quest The Mysteries of Tik-Tok, Quest The Reticent Tinkerer
Uruvanian Djinn Quest Words of Air
Volant Hooluks, Aviaks, and Vultaks Quest Words of a Feather
Words of Shade Shadowed Men Quest Voices from Beyond
Ykeshan Trolls Player language - start with or buy