EverQuest 2 Wiki
Race golem

Race: Golem - to upload a more specific image, click JPG or PNG

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EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Mercenary
Race Golem
Zone Lyceum of the Recondite (LU63)
Location 351, 0, 41 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Class Monk
Hiring Fee scales with level
Salary scales with level


  • A strong labornite construct made by the dragons of Skyshrine. This construct can become much more powerful when within the walls of Skyshrine, which it was built to protect! The primary function of this construct was to defend and protect its allies with his life.

Abilities / Spells[]

  • Please add abilities and remove this note


  • The Ancient Mercenaries have bonuses when used within Skyshrine. To hire an Ancient Mercenary, you must be able to go to Skyshrine: The Forbidden City of Dracur via the portal in Skyshrine at ( -33, 0, -9 ) Copy (10,000 Claws of Veeshan faction required).
  • In order to speak/hire them it requires you to have completed To Speak as a Dragon quest.
  • In order to get the key that will unlock the mercenaries, you need to defeat Dozekar in the quest Revelations in the Temple. This is the final quest in a series that begins in Skyshrine: The City of Dracur.