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For other articles with related titles, see Kurn's Tower.
Kurns Tower

Kurn's Tower: Breaching the Void

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced LU52
Level Range 82-85
Access Quest Dragonbone Weapon Parts
Zone in from Fens of Nathsar
Entrance is at

Click the rope at ( -1824, -384, -1833 ) Copy

Parent Zone Kurn's Tower (Zone)
Difficulty Group
Persistence 90 minutes - 3 days
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


The Bellywhumper Burynai are worried. Their beloved Haggle Baron hasn't stepped outside of his tower to retrieve their offerings in a very long time. If they force their way in and nothing is wrong, then they will have shamed their clan. On the other paw, if the Baron is in trouble and they do nothing, then they will also be shamed. After much deliberation, it was decided to send in expedition parties to find out what is going on inside the tower. After all, for a burynai, inaction is always a shameful decision.


The Expanse of Bone[]

  • Climb the wall into the room, proper. There is a dead Burynai on the floor, here. Examine it to receive the quest, In Honor of the Fallen.
  • Some of the dead burynai on the floor are clickable. These are updates for In Honor of the Fallen.
  • Stay clear of the jets of void flame that spout out of the ports in the sides of the room. They do not all jet straight ahead so be sure you know before you move!
  • Clear all the trash mobs (they WILL come running if you don't), then take Jennre Warsinger, the Hagglebaron's Bard. At about 50% he will begin summoning adds every 20 seconds. This is a high DPS fight. Target him directly and let the tank grab the adds while you burn the Bard down. If you die to the adds after the Bard is dead, the adds will despawn a short time after, so be sure you drop him!
  • Also, from time to time in this room, one of the dead Burynai may rise and attack you. You will see the graphic over him of puppet strings. You might not get one, you may get several. It seems to be totally random.

The Great Lift[]

  • You will need to kill an Ancient Void-Touched Wampus (83^^^ Heroic) before you can use the lift. This takes you up to the Disc Teleporter. Step on it to teleport to the Disc Lift.

Atrium of Silence[]

  • 4 clusters of 5 remnants of Theer (83^^ Heroic) - Warning, may Fear

The Vesper Chamber[]

  • East. 2 a Theerian warder (83^^^ Heroic Shadowed Man).

The Aurora Chamber[]

  • West. 2 a Theerian warder (83^^^ Heroic Shadowed Man).

The Sunne Chamber[]

  • North. Telvorsinn (84^^^ Heroic Void Beast) and a Theerian stormbringer (83^^^ Heroic Shadowed Man). Spawns 2 adds through out the fight. They seem to ward him. Chest in far side of room

The Nerteros Chamber[]

  • South. Thorvalakk (84^^^ Heroic Void Beast) and 2 clusters of 5 remnants of Theer (83^^ Heroic). Memwipes several times during fight. He has a chance to reflect magic, so no aoe stuns ( he is immune anyway ) and such as it will hit your group. Chest in far side of room

The Pinnacle of Tolerance[]

  • 4 clusters of 4 remnants of Theer (83^^ Heroic) and the final named Yynzik the Scornridden.
  • Strategy : Cure is your friend, don't let the debuffs stack on anyone. Use cure or potions and it's a simple fight. he has an arcane and a noxious debuff that stacks and has to come off asap. Let healers group cure arcane and use pots to take off noxious (noxious seems to be the worse of the two). The named can teleport its target and itself, not really a problem.


