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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Journal Level 104 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Obulus Frontier more
How to Start Talk to Hssiss in Crusader's Caves. He spawns & runs back and forth in the entrance tunnel to the caves. ( 726, 230, 1001 ) Copy
part of: Kunark Ascending Timeline
Preceded by:
Kunark Ascending: Reading Assignment
Followed by:
Kunark Ascending: A Nightmare Resolved
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


You must have completed the following required quests throughout Obulus Frontier to obtain the three pieces of the medallion in order to update this quest. (Hssis will offer the quest but you can't complete it until you have all the pieces).

  • Artifacts of Life Middle Shard of an Obulus Medallion - If you have lost the Middle Shard, Trader Gorakris can restore it.
  • Case of the Missing Headpiece Top Shard of an Obulus Medallion - If you have lost the Top Shard, Thaalia Faerel can restore it.
  • Ghosts and Gooblins Bottom Shard of an Obulus Medallion - If you have lost the Bottom Shard, Wreek can restore it.


  1. Combine the Obulus Medallion by Using the Middle Shard (obtained from the quests in the notes below)
  2. Obtain Drusella's bones from within Charasis: Maiden's Chamber (Agnostic)
    • Players level 10-100 can access Charasis: Maiden's Chamber (Agnostic) from either the portal in Qeynos/Freeport or via the Maiden's Chamber door in Jarsath Wastes.
    • Players level 101+ MUST enter via Maiden's Chamber door in Jarsath Wastes, and cannot be mentoring. ( 816, -128, 371 ) Copy
    • BIG TIP: Wait for her corpse to fall to the ground and sit a moment before trying to gather bones.
    • If you do not see the bones when you get to Drusilla's room, delete or finish any unfinished quests for the zone and you will then be able to see the bones.
    • It doesn't seem to matter if you or someone else killed Drusella, the bones are visible for each person on the quest separately until collected.
  3. Place the bones on the fractured runestone in Twark (Obulus Frontier) at ( 269, -179, -659 ) Copy. Listen to Xalgoz's speech to update this step.
  4. Return to Captain Tazthas673, 253, 1406 ) Copy in Crusader's Cave in Obulus Frontier.
  5. Report to Dominus Rile-807, 70, -90 ) Copy in Fens of Nathsar.
  6. Obtain the Weapon of Fear's Chosen from Hierophant Prime Jarrakas in Obulus Frontier626, 254, 1337 ) Copy.
  7. Next is starting and finish the Public Quest, Long Live the Emperor! See note below about soloing the PQ.
    1. This is started by placing the Greenmist on the crystal in the middle of the fractured runestone in Twark ( 269, -179, -659 ) Copy.
    2. This will start the PQ Long Live the Emperor! which you must finish to get the quest to update.
      1. Note: This unlocks the ability to do the quest again later by talking to Strashka.
      2. If you are running the PQ solo: as soon as the PQ starts, click the middle of the runestone a second time to receive a major buff. With this buff, a level 100 character can finish the PQ by themselves before the timer expires (with some effort). If you have a group then you won't need the buff.
    3. Aid in Rile's overthrowing of Venril Sathir. (Participate in and complete the Public Quest. This is now on a 30 minute cooldown timer so you may have to wait.)
  8. Return to Captain Tazthas at ( 673, 253, 1406 ) Copy.

