Apply the Conductor stone that needs a recharge - just fly straight to the one on the north-west coast at ( 708, -155, -667 ) Copy/waypoint 708, -155, -667. It's broken.
Attempt to recharge it. You will be attacked by a pair of Bloody Tooth goblins (one 103^, one 103 even), but you don't have to kill them.
Note: You must click ALL 4 (in order listed) of the rune-inscribed stones (locations listed below) to update the quest before the last pylon will appear randomly in one of the six locations.
Note: You need to be able to speak Sathirian and Goblish to advance beyond this step!
Inspect (click) the rune-inscribed stone in Twark ( 137, -240, -861 ) Copy/waypoint 137, -240, -861. It is a small squarish stone to the right (south) of Vhesh. It's important to click it, not just accepting the quest update when you are close to it
Inspect another rune-inscribed stone in Twark. ( 103, -173, -831 ) Copy/waypoint 103, -173, -831. On the ledge just above the first one. Not on top.
Inspect another rune-inscribed stone in Twark. ( 65, -165, -738 ) Copy/waypoint 65, -165, -738. At the foot of the tree.
Inspect another rune-inscribed stone in Twark. ( 244, -179, -740 ) Copy/waypoint 244, -179, -740.
The rune-inscribed stones in Twark aren't from the pylon. I need to search for the pylon! The pylon looks like a 6 foot tall grey obelisk with a red outline so it should be easy to spot from some distance. Possible locations:
( 76, -160, -782 ) Copy/waypoint 75.61, -160.17, -781.78 *Note: Be VERY careful if the pylon is at this location.Glarsh spawns there as well. He hits very hard!