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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Journal Level 104 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Mail from Queen Alwenielle
part of: Kunark Ascending Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Kunark Ascending: Opportunity 'Noks

What does this information mean?


  • If you have lost your original mail, go to Jerol ( -90, -3, 82 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in the Village of Shin to get a new one.

Starting the Quest[]

  1. Read the Mail from Queen Alwenielle.
  2. She would like me to assist her with hiding the last Chaos Stone and asks to meet her at the Tylwyth's Hut.


  1. Speak with either Queen Cristanos or Queen Amree depending on your alignment:
  2. Travel to Thalumbra by clicking the tinkered portal-gate299, 127, 308 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in Kelethin or ( 30, 4, 318 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in Neriak.
  3. Speak with Queen Alwenielle-334, 242, 384 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI at the Tylwyth's Hut in the Zou'Lidelas area of Thalumbra, the Ever Deep.
  4. Gather 8 blushing umbrite around Penumbra Expansion567, 56, -688 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI or Aberrant Isle127, 33, -815 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
    Blushing umbrite2

    Blushing umbrite

    • Note: Aberrant Isle is full of ^^^ mobs. Blushing umbrite is a small white geode with a red hue radiating off it and is not trackable. There are 2 nodes that respawn quickly and are near each other by the waypoint posted above.
  5. Return to Queen Alwenielle-334, 242, 384 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  6. Queen Alwenielle has sent me into the Arcanna'se Spire to switch out the last Chaos Stone with an imitation Chaos Stone. Her plan must work!
    1. Enter Arcanna'se Spire: Revealed-62, 19, 161 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI through the portal in the Abyssal Chasm.
    2. Collect an an Arcane Gate Seal spell somewhere behind the second door to the left after zone in.
      An Arcane Gate Seal spell

      An Arcane Gate Seal spell looks like a blowing sheet of paper.

      • Note: The pages can be found in either the library with the podium ( 141, 3, -21 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI, or the binding room ( 160, 6, -63 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI. It looks like a sheet of paper that is flapping in a breeze.
    3. Click the scribe's arcane podium148, 3, 15 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI twice, first to put the scroll on it and then to activate the spell to open the doors.
      • Note: Return to the center room at ( 0, 0, -46 ) Copy then through the first door to the right after the zone in door.
    4. Find the portal crystal for the damaged portal anchor at a random location in the room at ( -44, 4, 20 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
      Portal crystal

      The portal crystal is a blue orb somewhere on the floor

    5. Retrieve the Portal Gem and repair the damaged portal anchor at ( 56, 1, 27 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI through the first door to the left of the zone-in door.
      A damaged portal anchor

      a damaged portal anchor

    6. Go through the portal to the upper floor51, 1, 19 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI that has opened behind you.
    7. Queen Alwenielle appears as you walk down the steps and you should follow her to the Zou Crystalline.
    8. Speak with Queen Alwenielle to receive an imitation Chaos Stone.
    9. Switch the Chaos Stone for the imitation by clicking the Zou Crystalline-471, 30, -57 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in the center of the terrace.
    10. Listen to the dialogue between Queen Alwenielle, Tserrina Syl'Tor and Lanys T'Vyl.
    11. Queen Alwenielle must get you and the crystal to safety! You will be teleported away by Queen Alwenielle with the Chaos Stone to a beach ( 108, -243, -919 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI near Twark in Obulus Frontier.
      • Warning: The screen will become completely bright white!!!
    12. Where you are captured by a group of Crusaders of Greenmist. When you awake, the quest completes with an auto-update and you find yourself in chains and dragged next to Trooper Sotek733, 249, 1335 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in the Crusader's Cave.
      • Note: Make sure you recast your mount

