What does this information mean?
- Kill Obulus remnants to get 8 drops from them. They are located in Western Warslik's Woods at ( 583, 172, -467 ) Copy/waypoint 583, 172, -467
- Note: They only spawn at 8pm game time; Despawn at 5am
- Return to Setri Lur'Eth ( 622, 242, 1186 ) Copy/waypoint 622, 242, 1186
- Hail her, follow dialog, tell her you were given a stone by an ancient being
- Hail Lanys T'Vyl
- Enter the portal erected by Lanys T'Vyl within Crusader's Cave. You can only do this solo or with a merc.
- Explore Vaedenmoor, Realm of Despair
- Kill a Kaniz ravager and a Nightmarish acolyte, the two unique mobs on either side of the central platform.
- Walk up to Lanys T'Vyl
- Confront the Goddess of Nightmare ( 7, 313, 119 ) Copy/waypoint 7, 313, 119.
- Note: Attack Terris-Thule (^^^108 Epic x 4), and fight till you are disarmed or dead
- Report back to Queen Cristanos (Neriak) in Neriak or Queen Amree in Kelethin.