EverQuest 2 Wiki
Kluhb, the Seal Guard-Champion

Kluhb, the Seal Guard-Champion

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Hole (Sentinel's Fate)
Race Geonid
Level 92▲▲▲ Tier 10 Heroic
Location In front of The Underfoot Seal-530, -300, -587 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Reported Drops
Placeholder ring event (see below)
Melee Attacks crushing
Special Attacks

Kluhb's Closing Time

Related Quests

The Footsteps of Dartain: Observation

AA Exp yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?



  • Khlub spawns at the end of a ring event. First kill the crazed Geonids (six 92^^ linked). Then kill the disturbed crystal-grinders (three groups of four 92^ linked), and then the enraged Seal-guarders (four 92^^^ linked). After the Seal-guarders are killed, Kluhb, the Seal Guard-Champion spawns.
  • Khlub's one ability, Khlub's Closing Time, is a Curse that lasts for about 3 seconds. It hits for about 1500 initially and then another 1500 for two ticks. It also stuns. Other than that he's tank n' spank.
  • If you run away from Khlub, he will despawn immediately upon de-agroing.