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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Cobalt Scar  (AA)
Introduced LU66
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Cobalt Scar more
How to Start Speak to Field Marshal Vishra (Cobalt Scar)
part of: Cobalt Scar Timeline
Preceded by:
New Combine Defense
Followed by:
Klangfangled Explosions

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak to Artimus Klangfangle4426, -823, 493 ) Copy
  2. Klangfangle wants spell components, but doesn't tell you what they are! Click the golden page behind him to get the list.
  3. Collect the following
    • 6 illumines glands from ripper-snapper fish.
    • 4 ancient hardwood - sparkling board clickables, found among the shipwrecks underneath the ocean in Howlers Cove.
  4. Return to Artimus Klangfangle

