What does this information mean?
boulders for granite dust
- Fire the test conflagration bolt from the training ballista
- Head to the cliffs facing the Drakelands and left-click the sparkling ballista ( 4582, -811, 457 ) Copy/waypoint 4582, -811, 457
- Return to Artimus Klangfangle - he'll give you Incomplete Brew of Granite Bark for the next step
- Retrieve 6 blue granite dust from Hawkeye Trails ( 4034, -840, 125 ) Copy/waypoint 4034, -840, 125 - click the blue sparkling boulders, no mining skill required
- Examine the Incomplete Brew of Granite Bark in your inventory, then select 'Add the blue granite dust'. You receive Impressive Brew of Granite Bark
- Cast Impressive Brew of Granite Bark on the ballista - go to ( 4582, -811, 457 ) Copy/waypoint 4582, -811, 457 and left-click the sparkling ballista
- Fire the granite bark strengthened ballista - left-click the ballista again
- Return to Artimus Klangfangle
- At least 1p 25g
- One of the Following: