Vesspyr Isles Timeline at least up through Family Ties, which must be completed before Harla Dar will speak with you about the stone. You only need to do a small part of the quests here. Backtrack from Family Ties and Under The Veil quest lines to see where to start the two required quest lines.
10/23/2018 -- The harp was also collected from Tipple's Focus at ( 20, 1, -8 ) Copy/waypoint 19.50, 1.24, -8.09 -- So don't worry if you zone in there -- you will see the Harp on the left at the coordinates above in the very first room. Good luck!
Speak with a researcher of arcane artifacts who has dealt with curses: -- Assistant Shortspanner in Tranquil Sea at ( 986, 27, 1088 ) Copy/waypoint 986, 27, 1088
Head to Phantom Sea and approach Aliena Belzia in Ssraeshza Temple (Heroic) in the northern room before killing the named, or you will need to return. The quest updates when you get close to her.
Find a way to help Aliena Belzia: After receiving the update, start clearing the zone bosses. The boss room order is South, East, Middle, North. Once you have killed the Vathsis in the northern room, talk to Aillena again.
a highly explosive item that can be triggered from within a shield -- resonant umbrite from the last named in Stygian Threshold (Heroic). This is a chest drop and only 1 drops per chest. Only 1 mage can be updated per instance.
an item that can cause the fragile umbrite crystals to explode via multi-layered high frequency sound waves -- Go to Shimmering Citadel.
Rub the lamp in Shimmering Citadel ( -277, 185, -71 ) Copy/waypoint -277, 185, -71 and talk to an Uruvan djinn(must speak Uruvanian). This update is on the top floor of the Eastern tower.
You're looking for an ornate metal lamp, NOT the lamp that goes to Sabaron's Palace or the one that goes to Azhar's Penitence. Thus far, only 12 random spawn locations of the 15 possible are known. Once inside, An inaudible harp can be harvested at ( 61, 1, -20 ) Copy/waypoint 61, 1, -20 to update the quest.
Note: this may be bugged and take you to Tipple's Focus or 'A Djinn's Treasure Cache' when you click on it. This may be the case if you haven't completed the prerequisites for this quest, or be at level or chrono to level 50. Complete HQ and ToV quest first to avoid this. Note Update: Remember you should now be able to update this step in Tipple's Focus as of 10/23/2018 -- Please correct this entry if it was a fluke -- check last entry in requirements above.
Identify the creator of the Blackscale rune cube: Talk to Harla Dar on Veeshenna Tol in Vesspyr Isles at ( -102, 51, 740 ) Copy/waypoint -102, 51, 740.
Zone in to Lair of the Haunts by clicking on the Moveable Stone Wall at ( -36, -58, 100 ) Copy/waypoint -36, -58, 100
Kill Tombwatch L'Drykk (105^^^, may need a group, same difficulty as the Scrollkeeper) at the bottom of Lair of the Haunts. All the quest mobs are invisible to group members, forcing the mage to pull them. Once they are in combat, everyone can see the mobs.
Harvest the Dragon Blood Shard on top of the chest at ( -438, -117, 1 ) Copy/waypoint -438, -117, 1
Gather arcane object of draconic breath.
Harvest Urn of Dragon Breath in the Lost City of Torsis: Reaver's Remnants (Solo)(or Heroic) in the hidden room at ( 9, -5, -1205 ) Copy/waypoint 8.90, -5.15, -1204.65. Just walk through the wall to the left of where the named stood. It looks like a big vase (a previously cleared instance does not seem to work). The heroic instance is quite hard compared to the solo instance which accepts two people or a merc.
Craft the Dragon's Tongue Staff at the Ancient Arcane Workbench ( -563, -17, 410 ) Copy/waypoint -563, -17, 410 - (only available in the Heroic instance).
Note: The rune cube appears to be attackable as soon as you get to Lady Karkona. Make sure you talk to her before you attack it.
Equip the Dragon's Tongue Staff then destroy the rune cube. (The rune cube regens HPs fairly quickly, so don't expect to just hit it once and have it die.)