Gibrien gives you container of fingerlings to release. There are four varieties, and the one you get is random. When you are near the release location the fingerlings will automatically release; you may have to swim to release them.
Release crappie fingerlings into a narrow stream beneath a small lake --- where the Upper Emerald River flows out of Emerald Lake around ( -740, 36, 227 ) Copy/waypoint -740, 36, 227.
Release freshwater salmon fingerlings in the pond at Tunare's Sapling around ( -64, -10, 61 ) Copy/waypoint -64, -10, 61. (need to go underwater at location)
Release catfish fingerlings in a deep quiet pool --- Emerald Lake around ( -766, 37, 254 ) Copy/waypoint -766, 37, 254.
Release fathead fingerlings in a boggy pond --- Opal Pond around ( 167, 2, 82 ) Copy/waypoint 167, 2, 82.
Return to Gibrien to complete the quest.
Doing this quest is the quickest method, if a bit tedious. What you're looking for is the 'Fathead Fingerlings' or 'Freshwater Salmon Fingerlings' . Keep deleting the quest offered until you get either Fathead or Salmon Fingerlings.
The fathead fingerlings are released in Opal Pond at ( 168, 3, 97 ) Copy/waypoint 167.62, 2.52, 96.79. right near the Kelethin horse station.
The Salmon are released at Tunare's Sapling around ( -64, -10, 61 ) near the river outflow. The salmon and fatheads can both be done most quickly by taking the quest, immediately walking over to the travel pad and selecting 'Old Kelethin Acorn Lift'.
On arrival at the Old Kelethin platform, walk either east along the edge of the platform (salmon), or west up the branch (fathead), till you are above the water needed and then drop off the platform to safely land in the water.
The Opal pond (slug pond) will instantly update the quest, but in Tunare's Sapling Pond you will need to swim round to the left side of the river exit till the quest updates.
Upon update, get out and run back to the Old Kelethin lift, and use the transport pad to return the quest at the Near Residential Aerie..