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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Kelethin
Introduced Echoes of Faydwer
Journal Level 20 (Tier 3)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Greater Faydark more
How to Start Speak with Gibrien Marsden on Kelethin457, 89, 228 ) Copy
part of: Citizenship Timeline
Preceded by:
Considering Kelethin
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean? You must have at least +10,000 faction with City of Kelethin to obtain this quest. If your faction is too low, you may do the repeatable faction quests in the Citizenship series to raise your faction.


  1. Speak with Queen Amree in the Fae Royal Hall in Kelethin422, 137, 262 ) Copy



  • Sets faction with City of Qeynos to 5,000