EverQuest 2 Wiki

The Keep of the Ardent Needle at dawn with Northern Qeynos Tower in the background.

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EverQuest II Point of Interest
Zone Antonica (Shattered Lands)
Location Southwest of The Tower of the Oracles, due east of Northern Qeynos Tower-555, -14, -327 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI

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  • Formerly the grand citadel of a famous Qeynosian tailor guild, Clothspinners of Qeynos. However, the meteoric bombardment following The Shattering hit the Clothspinners' complex particularly hard, leveling it completely. In recent years, Lord Quinn Clothspinner, who owns the land on which the citadel once stood, built the Keep of the Ardent Needle in honor of his family's tailoring legacy. Unfortunately, the current building pales in comparison to it's predecessors splendor.
    • Perhaps Clothspinners, the largest of Qeynos' tailoring enterprises, are the decedents of the Clothspinners of Qeynos.

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