Travel to the previous zone, Svarni Expanse, is provided by plumedrake. Speak with a plumedrake keeper ( ?, 0, ? ) in the hills Northwest of Karuupa Village.
Travel to the next zone, Mahngavi Wastes, is provided via dramodon (speak with a dramodon keeper ( -812, 218, -785 ) Copy/waypoint -812, 218, -785) or walking path ( -870, 234, -775 ) Copy/waypoint -870, 234, -775. Both are high upon a hill, and not accessible to those who cannot yet fly. You can use abilities, such as Call of the Veteran, to summon a player onto the hill, allowing them to travel to Mahngavi Wastes. Completing the adventure quest, Visions of Vetrovia: Evil Dedraka, or the tradeskill quest Were is the Messenger: Say Cheese, unlocks the ability to fly, so that you can reach the walking path.
Eventually will create an image of the zone map with poi areas indicated