EverQuest 2 Wiki


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EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Faction Merchant (The Coalition of Tradesfolke)
Race Kerran
Zone The City of Freeport (Shattered Lands)
Location Inside of The Coalition of Tradesfolke building on the South side in West Freeport. ( 35, -18, 105 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI


Items for sale Price Faction needed
Handbook of the Coalition of Tradesfolke 1c none
Work Order Clipboard 5g 10,000
a Freeport fire pot 30s 10,000 status 10,000
a neriak display stand 30s 10,000 status 10,000
a merchant display cart 30s 10,000 status 10,000
Initiate: Coalition of Tradesfolke 15g 36s 20,000 status 10,000
Simple Chemistry Table 1g 11s 64c 6,125 status 10,000
Simple Engraved Desk 1g 11s 64c 6,125 status 10,000
Simple Forge 1g 11s 64c 6,125 status 10,000
Simple Sewing Table & Mannequin 1g 11s 64c 6,125 status 10,000
Simple Stove & Keg 1g 11s 64c 6,125 status 10,000
Simple Woodworking Table 1g 11s 64c 6,125 status 10,000
Simple Work Bench 1g 11s 64c 6,125 status 10,000
Member: Coalition of Tradesfolke 61g 44s 20,000 status 20,000
coalition ceremonial forge boots 9g 60s 25,000 status 20,000
coalition ceremonial forge gloves 10g 56s 25,000 status 20,000
coalition ceremonial forge pants 12g 48s 27,000 status 20,000
coalition ceremonial forge vest 14g 40s 27,000 status 20,000
an ancient ark 1s 20c 20,000 status 20,000
a wailing bone cage 4s 80c 30,000 status 30,000
Display Stands for All Occasions 4g 60s 80c 30,000
Elaborate Chemistry Table 87g 44s 80c 492,805 status 30,000
Elaborate Engraved Desk 87g 44s 80c 492,805 status 30,000
Elaborate Forge 87g 44s 80c 492,805 status 30,000
Elaborate Sewing Table & Mannequin 87g 44s 80c 492,805 status 30,000
Elaborate Stove & Keg 87g 44s 80c 492,805 status 30,000
Elaborate Woodworking Table 87g 44s 80c 492,805 status 30,000
Elaborate Work Bench 87g 44s 80c 492,805 status 30,000
coalition ceremonial negotiator boots 57g 60s 35,000 status 30,000
coalition ceremonial negotiator pantaloons 74g 88s 37,000 status 30,000
coalition ceremonial negotiator shirt 86g 40s 37,000 status 30,000
Officer: Coalition of Tradesfolke 2p 45g 76s 20,000 status 30,000
ceremonial formal ensemble 30g 67s 49c 169,886 status 40,000
Reflections of the Grandmasters 10g 36s 80c 40,000
Reflections of the Grandmasters, vol. II 10g 36s 80c 40,000
an ornate globe of Norrath 30s 10,000 status 40,000
a long stone corner counter 6g 20,000 status 40,000
Ally: Coalition of Tradesfolke 3p 68g 64s 20,000 status 40,000