Find fragments of a spell from a school other than my own by completing a class based collection. These are trackable red shinies found in the following locations:
Illusionists are looking for Necromancer's Cantrips found in Phantom Sea around the Ghorkaal village at ( 879, 9, 827 ) Copy/waypoint 879.27, 9.14, 826.76. This village is no fly, so make sure you are on the ground or close to it so you do not fall to your death when the curse grounds you.
Necromancers are looking for Wizard's Cantrips found in Tranquil Sea in the Twisted area just north of the bell on the Isle of Refuge.(approximately near 918, 7.3, 1454)
Find someone who might have information about the arcane chamber -- Talk to Antiquitor Kantus Mor'Tael in Maj'Dul ( -235, 135, -8 ) Copy/waypoint -235, 135, -8.
Find someone with information on the robed woman -- Collect the serpent coin on top of a barrel in Maj'Dul ( 9, 150, -208 ) Copy/waypoint 8.65, 150.44, -208.43 and talk to The Viper ( -83, 151, -163 ) Copy/waypoint -82.84, 150.86, -163.34.
Track down the other mage in brown and red who fled -- Talk to Researcher D'Abth on the docks in Lavastorm ( -150, -117, 638 ) Copy/waypoint -149.58, -117.37, 637.63.
Find evidence of the attackers' identities -- Collect the rune at ( -122, -115, 645 ) Copy/waypoint -121.63, -114.96, 644.99 in Lavastorm
Note: The upgraded Eyepatch from doing the quest on the time locked server Does Not Work. You need the lvl 45 one from the HQ.
Note: once you are in the zone you can wear your usual head piece.
Find the leader of the Dark Maw.
Walk up the stone ramp from the beach to reach the tower, then go through the dialogue with Fathad Zastim. All Vul adherents will be attackable and aggro in the zone, the one close by will attack you at the end of the dialogue if you stand close to him.
The zone may reset if you die before you kill the first Vul adherent. Once you kill the first Vul adherent the instance is saved.
The Vul adherents have a lot of health (about 1 billion HP), and hit hard for a mage (2.5 million crushing autoattack at 10,000 mitigation). Use Ascensions and try to ensure they don't hit you.
Track down the leader and defeat him:
BE VERY CAREFUL: Turn on singular focus and avoid blue AoEs to avoid AoE pulling the boss through the barrier, and don't get close to the named inside the barrier or you'll accidentally body pull it early! Until there is an update, this will stop the quest from progressing and require dev intervention.
Pick up the hammer and the sword on the tables in front of you.
Clear all trash in the zone.
Click the barrier upstairs inside the tower. (It does not become clickable until all the Vul adherents are dead).
Note: Another person with access to the zone can zone you in if needed. Only one mage per run can get the update. You must not be grouped. Even if looting is set to "free for all" and the mage opens the chest, the evanescences will be randomly assigned to someone in the group and will disintegrate.