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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Kael Drakkel  (AA)
Introduced Destiny of Velious
Journal Level 96 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Kael Drakkel more
How to Start Speak to Corrin Ruadh
part of: Kael Drakkel Timeline
Preceded by:
The Ragebourne Identity
Followed by:
Triumph in the Temple

What does this information mean?


  1. I must search for any information that might give some insight on the appearance of Drunder.
    • Collect Kromzek communiques
      • These are group updates; when one is clicked, everyone on the quest will receive the update
      • locations include:
        • Location to a Kromzek communique ( -413, 26, 1211 ) Copy (North-East room)
        • Location to a Kromzek communique ( -546, 24, 1284 ) Copy (North-East room)
        • Location to a Kromzek communique ( -408, 20, 1642 ) Copy (South-East room)
        • Location to a Kromzek communique ( -384, 20, 1744 ) Copy (South-East room)
        • Location to a Kromzek communique ( -97, -33, 1518 ) Copy (Throne room)
        • Location to a Kromzek communique ( 151, 24, 1619 ) Copy (South-West room)
        • Location to a Kromzek communique ( 189, 22, 1736 ) Copy (South-West room)
    • Inspect a Kromzek war map ( -392, 20, 1776 ) Copy (South-East room)
      • This is an individual update; each person on the quest must click on the map
  2. Return to Corrin Ruadh ( -105, -11, 507 ) Copy


  • At least 1p 50g


After meeting with Corrin Ruadh he sends you to find six Kromzek Communiques and a Kromzek War Map. It is possible to invis to some of the communiques and the map, but be patient and on your guard, the Kromzek Praetorians do see through invisiblity.

The area of Kael Drakkel you will be looking for these in is the Hall of Legends map, and you will use the New Kael teleportal to get to the area you have to pass through to get here.

You may find two different spawn areas for the Communique in the same room as the war map,and you can stay and wait for respawn, respawns fairly quickly The following are just some of the locations.
