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Insectoid Communication Jammer (item)

Insectoid Communication Jammer

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Quest Item
Insectoid Communication Jammer
Item 3095
The Insectoid Communication Jammer intercepts the communication between the Shik'Nar insects making them see the target as friendly.
Jam Signals
Required by the Quest
'Piercing the Darkness: The Sad Tale of Benosch Ironsprocket Part II'
Charges (10/10)
Casting 4 seconds
Duration 10 minutes
Recast 2 seconds
  • Applies Jam Signals when Activated. Lasts for 10 minutes.
    • The Insectoid Communication Jammer intercepts the communication between the Shik'Nar insects making them see the target as friendly.
Obtain: created from a Recipe Scroll: Insectoid Communication Jammer

\aITEM 723712125 816314326:Insectoid Communication Jammer\/a \aITEM 723712125 816314326:Insectoid Communication Jammer\/a
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Daybreak Games
