EverQuest 2 Wiki
Deity symbol innoruuk
The Prince of Hate
Alignment - Evil
Prophet - Xilania Nevagon

The Father of Vengeance, Innoruuk, Prince of Hate spreads loathing and scorn across all Norrath. From the black heart of the Plane of Hate Innoruuk tirelessly channels his eternal rage into myriad schemes and plots, seeking to create fierce opposition wherever harmony and tranquility exist. Loathing replaces love, and fury overrides friendship as Innoruuk fosters betrayal, murder, and vengeance within vulnerable mortals — especially those who are already greedy for power, pining for prestige, or hungry for wealth. Many times has Innoruuk subtly turned supposed friendships to blood feuds and even open warfare.

Followers of The Prince of Hate trust in him that hate is the driving force in the universe. Their devotion to hate leads them to believe love is simply a means for the weak-minded fools of the world who are too scared to take what they want. Spite is the only true way to overpower your enemies. One who sees himself or herself as a victim is laughable, while one who turns a setback into the downfall of the one who wronged them is highly respected. For Innoruuk's faithful, hatred is the strongest tool for achieving dominion. Only through the total disdain of your enemies can one gain true power over them. Pity and mercy have no power when confronted with contempt and viciousness. It is the honest belief of the followers of Innoruuk that if they were to hate strongly enough, they could destroy all of Norrath.

Nothing pleases lord of Hate more than watching two friends argue, or two lovers betray each others trust. His greatest achievement was when during The Elder Age, he lured the king and queen of Tunare's beloved elves to his home Plane. Once there, he transformed them into the first Tier'Dal king and queen, souring their pure love for one another into a hatred so strong that Innoruuk was able to create his entire servitor race. It is for this reason that Dark Elves will refer to Innoruuk as their Father.

Innoruuk is allied with Rallos Zek and Cazic-Thule, while enemies with Quellious, Mithaniel Marr, and Erollisi Marr.

Accepting Innoruuk[]

Malevolence and Power. Revel in the former, but not too much. To be swept away with any emotion - including hate - is to fail Innoruuk utterly. When you are blind to your own lies, it is hard to filter the words of others. For while Innoruuk may thrive upon hatred, blind hatred is not becoming of his followers.

Seek out Xilania Nevagon in Greater Faydark. ( -497, 45, 270 ) Copy

  1. [25] Into the Fold
  2. [35] Rage Unleashed
  3. [55] A Necessary Step
  4. [65] A Hatred Repressed
  5. [70] The Dark Beacon


Blessing Name Favor Spell Type (Target) Description
Seething Hatred 750 Buff (Self) Reduces the reuse timer on a single target and encounter target taunt spells by 25%.
Minions of Evil 875 Summon Pet (Self) Summons 4 pet minions of evil.
Malice of the Dark God 1000 Buff (Self) Increases Threat to target on combat hit.
Dark Whispers 1125 Buff (Self) Increases the damage, heal, and duration of all divine and mental spells by 10%.
Strife's Curse 1250 Buff (Self) On a hostile spell cast this spell will:
  • Decreases power of target of spell.
  • Increases power.


Blessing Name Favor Spell Type (Target) Description
Tendrils of Hate 1125 Summon Pet (Enemy) Summon 2 limited pets that attack enemies.
Lure of Innoruuk 1312 AE DD/Debuff/Charm (Enemy)
  • Inflicts heat damage on targets in Area of Effect.
  • Decreases power of targets in Area of Effect.
  • Charms target.
Malevolent Wail 1500 DD/Debuff/Mesmerize (Enemy)
  • Inflicts heat damage on target.
  • Decreases power of target.
  • Mesmerizes target.
Vengeance's Decree 1687 Death Prevention/Buff (Self) When killed:
  • Decrease threat priority by 24 positions.
  • Heal for 100% of max health.
  • Increase Haste by 15.
  • Increase Multi Attack by 15.
  • Increase Crit Chance by 25.
  • Increase DPS by 50.
  • Increase Casting Speed by 50%.
Maestro's Song 1875 DD/DOT/Heal/HOT (Enemy)
  • Inflicts divine damage on target.
  • Inflicts divine damage on target ever 2 seconds.
  • Heals you for percentage of max health.
  • Heals you for percentage of max health every 2 seconds.


Pet Cloak Avatar
Minion of Hate (Deity Pet) Cloak of Hatred
Drape of Hatred
Avatar of Hate
God pet innoruuk Innoruuk Cloak (worn) Avatar of Hate