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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Fens of Nathsar  (AA)
Introduced LU52
Journal Level 73 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Fens of Nathsar more
How to Start Speak with Sliza Xarezia in Riliss. ( -861, 58, -179 ) Copy
part of: The Order of Rime Timeline
Preceded by:
Proctor Visit
Followed by:
Elemental Task
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Use the class-specific illusion item given to you when you accepted the quest and talk to Geldryy Alvek on The Sheet. ( -2652, -412, -2674 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
  2. Head to ( -2527, -412, -2859 ) Copy and attempt to pick up the piece of paper.
    Infiltration System piece of paper

    The paper (arrowed) is flapping on the wooden chest lid, and difficult to see...

  3. Kill an observant shardhammer guard who will spawn.
  4. Grab the piece of paper again.
  5. Return to Sliza Xarezia in Riliss.


  • At least 36g 79s 48c
  • Completing this quest gives +1000 faction with Riliss
  • Both of the following:
  • The class specific illusion item is not removed and serves as an additional reward.