EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see Inert Crystal of Planar Armor: Feet.

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Pattern
Inert Crystal of Planar Armor: Feet
Item 3775
This inert crystal must be infused by one of Gorynn's apprentices before it can be used to craft planar armor.
Creates Items:

Planar Armaplate Sabatons
Planar Chainlink Kickers
Planar Hide Sandals
Planar Manafused Sandals
Planar Manahide Boots
Planar Manalink Boots
Planar Manasteel Sabatons
Planar Polymerized Shoes
Planar Shadowhide Footwraps
Planar Shadowlink Stompers
Planar Shadowplate Boots
Planar Stelehide Shoes
Planar Synthetic Boots
Planar Vanguard Sabatons

Item 3254
Item 3303
Item 3265
Item 3225
Item 3265
Item 3303
Item 3254
Item 3225
Item 3265
Item 3303
Item 3254
Item 3265
Item 3225
Item 3254
Obtain: [How can I get one?] try LootDB or the linkback

\aITEM 136322051 1635839428:Inert Crystal of Planar Armor: Feet\/a \aITEM 136322051 1635839428:Inert Crystal of Planar Armor: Feet\/a
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