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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The Barren Sky  (AA)
Introduced LU55
Journal Level 63 (Tier 7)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Barren Sky more
How to Start Speak to Frigui Togginscog in the Barren Sky on the Isle of Desolation504, 300, -558 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
part of: Cloud Mount Timeline
Preceded by:
To the Barren Sky
Followed by:
Another Broken Brain

What does this information mean?

In Search of a Bot


  1. Make your way up the path behind Frigui and then back down to the Treasury of Claw534, 307, -635 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI. Once inside, head west and fight Varuke Strifewing (63^). He will despawn at around 20%. Climb up the wall behind him, head east and examine the bot. Varuke Strifewing will respawn and attack, kill him and then pick up the bot.
  2. Return to Frigui.



  • There is a wall near Varuke Strifewing that you can run and jump onto so that the mobs from the hallway will break and you will not have to fight them. The wall becomes climbable after Varuke is killed.