Speak to Sergeant Geret Dalshinn ( 399, -17, -4 ) Copy/waypoint 399, -17, -4 near the Castle in North Qeynos, or to Elrinn Darknor ( -94, -8, -98 ) Copy/waypoint -94, -8, -98 in North Freeport.
A binding rune, from the Vengeful Seal-Watcher in Dartain's Fortress (Defenders of the Seal side), around ( 661, 126, -221 ) Copy/waypoint 661, 126, -221. Clear some fallen warlocks to spawn it (8-10 up usually. If you kill them all and it doesn't spawn, wait a while for respawn (or go kill another named) and kill some more, and it will pop). Mind you can easily miss this guy as he is running circles around the graveyard place on the tombs' tops, above your head, out of sight depending where you are standing.