What does this information mean?
- Go to the The Hall of Clay in Chardok and obtain the following, in any order: ( -95, -43, 42 ) Copy/waypoint -95, -43, 42
- Tome of Aardman ( -106, -54, 73 ) Copy/waypoint -106, -54, 73 or ( -101, -54, 53 ) Copy/waypoint -101, -54, 53
- 4 grom clay, looted from the chests of imperial golems
- 6 Hearts of Gaodon, which are all given by Gaodon after giving him his brother's heart:
- Kill Silzok Foi'zarth and loot Heart of Silzok.
- Kill named Gaodon ( -47, -54, 50 ) Copy/waypoint -47, -54, 50 to unshackle NPC Gaodon.
- Hail NPC Gaodon ( -52, -43, 55 ) Copy/waypoint -52, -43, 55 and progress through his dialogue to receive all six hearts.
- Return to Battle Master Dolak in Gwalnax Brigade Tower.