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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Kylong Plains
Introduced Rise of Kunark
Journal Level 84 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Kylong Plains more
How to Start Speak with Battle Master Dolak in Gwalnax Brigade Tower. ( 1477, 165, -2919 ) Copy.
part of: Kylong Plains Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Testing the Gauntlet

What does this information mean?



  1. Go to the The Hall of Clay in Chardok and obtain the following, in any order: ( -95, -43, 42 ) Copy
    • Tome of Aardman-106, -54, 73 ) Copy or ( -101, -54, 53 ) Copy
    • 4 grom clay, looted from the chests of imperial golems
    • 6 Hearts of Gaodon, which are all given by Gaodon after giving him his brother's heart:
      1. Kill Silzok Foi'zarth and loot Heart of Silzok.
      2. Kill named Gaodon ( -47, -54, 50 ) Copy to unshackle NPC Gaodon.
      3. Hail NPC Gaodon ( -52, -43, 55 ) Copy and progress through his dialogue to receive all six hearts.
  2. Return to Battle Master Dolak in Gwalnax Brigade Tower.

