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For other articles with related titles, see Imbued Carbonite Chainmail Coat.

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Imbued Carbonite Chainmail Coat
Item 2407
White Adornment Slot 
6 Primary Attributes 5 Stamina
Combat Skills
Pale Lambent Imbued
Chain Armor (Chest)
Mitigation 88
Level 20 (Tier 3)
All Scouts, Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian, Inquisitor, Templar, Defiler, Mystic

  • Applies Pale Lambent Imbued when Equipped.
    • When any damage is received this spell has a 5% chance to cast Pale Lambent Rejuvenation on caster. Lasts for 20.0 seconds.
      • Heals target for 12 instantly and every 4 seconds.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
Obtain: [How can I get one?] try LootDB or the linkback

\aITEM 439305791 211117110:Imbued Carbonite Chainmail Coat\/a \aITEM 439305791 211117110:Imbued Carbonite Chainmail Coat\/a
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