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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Stormhold
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 24 (Tier 3)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Stormhold more
How to Start Read Ilene Cellus' Family History.
part of: Stormhold Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:

What does this information mean?

This quest is also part of the Book Quests Timeline.


  1. Kill 5 zombie knights. ( -73, 5, -147 ) Copy
  2. Read the book.
  3. Kill 6 zombie knights. ( -73, 5, -147 ) Copy
  4. Read the book.
  5. Kill 8 defiled torrents. ( -49, -24, -125 ) Copy
  6. Read the book.
  7. Kill 5 defiled torrents. ( -49, -24, -125 ) Copy
  8. Read the book.
  9. Kill 8 defiled cavaliers. ( 37, -24, -57 ) Copy
  10. Read the book.
  11. Kill 5 defiled cavaliers. ( 37, -24, -57 ) Copy
  12. Read the book.
  13. Kill 6 defiled acolytes. ( 82, -16, -15 ) Copy
  14. Read the book.
  15. Kill 7 feign zombies. ( 8, -24, -105 ) Copy and ( 63, -16, -48 ) Copy
  16. Read the book.

