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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced LU103
Journal Level 106 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Obulus Frontier more
How to Start Talk to Mallic the Venerable across the Twark bridge at ( 170, -204, -522 ) Copy
part of: Goblin Skull Earring Timeline
Preceded by:
Goblin Poaching
Followed by:
Light of the Destroyer

What does this information mean?


  1. Defeat raiding parties for clues. These will be linked groups of 2 fanatic ritualists and 1 fanatic lightseeker (105vv). Kill 3 linked encounters.Possible locations:
    • 221, -223, -380 ) Copy
    • 268, -227, -356 ) Copy
    • 314, -214, -398 ) Copy
    • 348, -176, -151 ) Copy
    • 389, -229, -266 ) Copy
  2. Find the camp near the moon lake mentioned in the note: click Turklig's mummy ( 332, -202, -200 ) Copy.
  3. Find information in the Crusaders Cave by talking to Lissys574, 250, 1260 ) Copy.
  4. Search Dalnir: Barons Workshop for clues
    • Zone in at ( 790, -129, -584 ) Copy. (Also updates in the heroic version).
    • Click the mummy at ( 28, 1, -198 ) Copy.
  5. Return to Mallic the Venerable170, -204, -522 ) Copy.
  6. Find the village of Gwerp ( 557, -106, -299 ) Copy.
  7. Click on the Gwerp Monument560, -106, -298 ) Copy.
  8. Return to Mallic the Venerable170, -204, -522 ) Copy.


  • At least 1p 53g 9s
  • 166,400 status
