Defeat raiding parties for clues. These will be linked groups of 2 fanatic ritualists and 1 fanatic lightseeker (105vv). Kill 3 linked encounters.Possible locations:
( 221, -223, -380 ) Copy/waypoint 221, -223, -380
( 268, -227, -356 ) Copy/waypoint 268, -227, -356
( 314, -214, -398 ) Copy/waypoint 314, -214, -398
( 348, -176, -151 ) Copy/waypoint 348, -176, -151
( 389, -229, -266 ) Copy/waypoint 389, -229, -266
Find the camp near the moon lake mentioned in the note: click Turklig's mummy ( 332, -202, -200 ) Copy/waypoint 332, -202, -200.
Find information in the Crusaders Cave by talking to Lissys ( 574, 250, 1260 ) Copy/waypoint 574, 250, 1260.