On a hostile spell cast this spell may cast King's Legacy on the group. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
Increases Flurry of Group members (AE) by 0.5.
Increases Potency of group members (AE) by 6.0.
Cannot be modified except by direct means
On a combat hit this spell may cast King's Legacy on the group. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
Increases Flurry of Group members (AE) by 0.5.
Increases Potency of group members (AE) by 6.0.
Cannot be modified except by direct means
Cannot be modified except by direct means
When Equipped:
On any combat or spell hit this spell may cast Stonewill on caster. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. Triggers about 1.4 times per minute.
Wards caster against 2,000 points of all damage
Cannot be modified except by direct means
When damaged this spell has a 7% chance to cast Stonewill on caster. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
\aITEM 1211147594 771350854:Hulking Breastplate of the Godslayer\/a \aITEM 1211147594 771350854:Hulking Breastplate of the Godslayer\/a What does this information mean?
If you can, please take a screenshot of a male character (yourself or someone else) wearing this item, crop it, and upload it either as jpg or as png
If you can, please take a screenshot of a female character (yourself or someone else) wearing this item, crop it, and upload it either as jpg or as png